Pianificazione e gestione delle risorse idriche in agricoltura
  • Masseroni D., Castagna A., Gandolfi C. (2021). Evaluating the performances of a flexible mechanism of water diversion: application on a northern Italy gravity‑driven irrigation channel. Irrigation Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00271...
  • Negri C., Chiaradia E.A., Rienzner M., Mayer A., Gandolfi A., Romani M., Facchi A. (2020). On the effects of winter flooding on the hydrological balance of rice areas in northern Italy. Journal of Hydrology, 590, 125401; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125401
  • Mayer A., Rienzner M., Cesari de Maria S., Romani M., Lasagna A., Facchi A. (2019). A comprehensive modelling approach to assess water use efficiencies of different irrigation management options in rice irrigation districts of northern Italy. Water, 11, 1833; https://doi.org/10.3390/w11091....
  • Facchi A., Rienzner M., Cesari de Maria S. , Mayer A., Chiaradia E.A., Masseroni D., Silvestri S., Romani M. (2018). Exploring scale-effects on water balance components and water use efficiency of toposequence rice fields in Northern Italy. Hydrology Research, 49(6), 1711–1723. https://doi.org/10.2166/nh.2018.125
  • Masseroni D., Moller P., Tyrell R., Romani M., Lasagna A., Sali G., Facchi A., Gandolfi C. (2018). Evaluating performances of the first automatic system for paddy irrigation in Europe. Agricultural Water Management, 201, 58-69. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2017.12.019
  • Facchi A., Masseroni D. & Miniotti E.F. (2017). Self-made microlysimeters to measure soil evaporation: a test on aerobic rice in northern Italy. Paddy Water Environ 15, 669–680. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10333-016-0566-7
  • Masseroni D., Uddin J., Tyrrell R., Mareels I., Gandolfi C., & Facchi A. (2017). Towards a smart automated surface irrigation management in rice-growing areas in Italy. Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 48(1), 42-48. https://doi.org/10.4081/jae.2017.585
  • Masseroni D., Ricart S., De Cartagena F.R., Monserrat J., Gonçalves J.M., De Lima I., Facchi A., Sali G., Gandolfi C. (2017) Prospects for Improving Gravity-Fed Surface Irrigation Systems in Mediterranean European Contexts. Water, 9, 20. https://doi.org/10.3390/w9010020
  • Cesari de Maria S., Bischetti G.B., Chiaradia E.A., Facchi A., Miniotti, E.F., Romani M., Rienzner M., Tenni D. Gandolfi C. (2017). The role of water management and environmental factors on field irrigation requirements and water productivity of rice. Irrigation Science, 35(1), 11–26. ISSN: 0342-7188. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00271-016-0519-3
  • Cesari de Maria S., Rienzner M., Facchi A., Chiaradia E.A., Romani M., Gandolfi C. (2016). Water balance implications of switching from continuous submergence to flush irrigation in a rice-growing district. Agricultural Water Management, 171, 108–119. ISSN: 0378-3774. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwa....
  • Miniotti E.F., Romani M., Said-Pullicino D., Facchi A., Bertora C., Peyron M., Sacco D., Bischetti G.B., Lerda C., Tenni D., Gandolfi C., Celi L. (2016). Agro-environmental sustainability of different water management practices in temperate rice agro-ecosystems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 222, 235-248. ISSN: 0167-8809. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee....
  • Chiaradia E.A., Facchi A., Masseroni D., Ferrari D., Bischetti G.B., Gharsallah O., Cesari de Maria S., Rienzner M., Naldi E., Romani M., Gandolfi C. (2015). An integrated, multisensor system for the continuous monitoring of water dynamics in rice fields under different irrigation regimes. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187: 586, 17 pp. ISSN: 0167-6369. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661....
  • Gandolfi C., Sali G., Facchi A., Tediosi A., Bulgheroni C., Rienzner M., & Weber E. (2014). Integrated modelling for agricultural policies and water resources planning coordination. Biosystems Engineering, 128, 100-112. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2014.06.006
Irrigazione di precisione
  • Ronchetti G., Mayer A., Facchi A., Ortuani B., Sona G. (2020). Crop row detection through UAV surveys to optimize on-farm irrigation management. Sensors, 12(12), 1967; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12121967.
  • Ortuani B., Facchi A., Mayer A., Bianchi D., Bianchi A., Brancadoro L. (2019). Assessing the effectiveness of variable-rate drip irrigation on water use efficiency in a vineyard in northern Italy. Water, 11, 1964; https://doi.org/10.3390/w11101....
  • Ortuani B., Sona G., Ronchetti G., Mayer A., Facchi A. (2019). Integrating Geophysical and Multispectral Data to Delineate Homogeneous Management Zones within a Vineyard in Northern Italy. Sensors, 19, 3974; https://doi.org/10.3390/s19183....
  • Masseroni D., Ortuani B, Corti M., Gallina P.M., Cocetta G., Ferrante A., Facchi A. (2017). Assessing the Reliability of Thermal and Optical Imaging Techniques for Detecting Crop Water Status under Different Nitrogen Levels. Sustainability, 9, 1548. https://doi.org/10.3390/su9091548
  • Ortuani B., Chiaradia E.A., Priori S., L’Abate G., Canone D., Comunian A., Giudici M., Mele M., Facchi A. (2016). Mapping soil water capacity through EMI survey to delineate site specific management units within an irrigated field. Soil Science, 181(6), 252-263. ISSN: 0038-075X. https://doi.org/10.1097/SS.000....
  • Masseroni D., Facchi A.,Vannutelli Depoli E., Renga F.M., Gandolfi C. (2016). IRRIG-OH: an open-hardware device for soil water potential monitoring and irrigation management. Irrigation and Drainage, 65(5), 750-761. ISSN: 1531-0361. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ird.19....
  • Masseroni M., Facchi A., Gandolfi C. (2016). Is soil water potential a reliable variable for irrigation scheduling in the case of peach orchards? (2016) Soil Science. ISSN: 0038-075X. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/SS.0....
Gestione dei deflussi meteorici
  • Galli A., Peruzzi C., Beltrame L., Cislaghi A. & Masseroni D. (2021) Evaluating the infiltration capacity of degraded vs. rehabilitated urban greenspaces: Lessons learnt from a real-world Italian case study. Science of The Total Environment, 787, 147612. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147612.
  • Cislaghi A., Masseroni D., Massari C., Camici S., & Brocca L. (2020) Combining a rainfall–runoff model and a regionalization approach for flood and water resource assessment in the western Po Valley, Italy. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 65(3), 348-370. https://doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2019.1690656
  • Masseroni D., Ercolani G., Chiaradia E.A., Gandolfi C. (2019). A procedure for designing natural water retention measures in new development areas under hydraulic-hydrologic invariance constraints. Hydrology Research, 50(5), 1293–1308. https://doi.org/10.2166/nh.2019.018
  • Masseroni D., Massara F., Gandolfi C., Bischetti G.B. (2018). Manuale sulle buone pratiche di utilizzo dei sistemi di drenaggio urbano sostenibile.
  • Masseroni D., Cislaghi A., Camici S., Massari C., Brocca L. (2017) A reliable rainfall–runoff model for flood forecasting: review and application to a semi-urbanized watershed at high flood risk in Italy. Hydrology Research, 48(3), 726–740. https://doi.org/10.2166/nh.2016.037
Sistemazioni idraulico-forestali ed ingegneria naturalistica
  • Chiaradia E. A., Gandolfi C., & Bischetti G.B. (2019). Flow resistance of partially flexible vegetation: A full-scale study with natural plants. Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 50(2), 55-65. https://doi.org/10.4081/jae.2019.885
  • Cislaghi, A., Bischetti, G.B. (2019). Source areas, connectivity, and delivery rate of sediments in mountainous-forested hillslopes: A probabilistic approach. Science of The Total Environment 652, 1168–1186. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.10.318
  • Giupponi, L., Borgonovo, G., Giorgi, A., Bischetti, G.B. (2019). How to renew soil bioengineering for slope stabilization: some proposals. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 15, 37–50. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11355-018-0359-9
  • Cislaghi A., Chiaradia E.A., & Bischetti, G.B. (2017). Including root reinforcement variability in a probabilistic 3D stability model. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 42, 1789-1806. https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.4127
  • Gilardelli, F., Vergani, C., Gentili, R., Bonis, A., Chanteloup, P., Citterio, S., Chiaradia, E.A. (2017). Root characteristics of herbaceous species for topsoil stabilization in restoration projects: Roots of Herbaceous Species for Topsoil Stabilization. Land Degradation & Development. https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.2731
  • Chiaradia, E.A., Vergani, C., Bischetti, G.B. (2016). Evaluation of the effects of three European forest types on slope stability by field and probabilistic analyses and their implications for forest management. Forest Ecology and Management 370, 114–129. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2016.03.050
  • Bischetti G.B., Chiaradia E. A., D'Agostino V., & Simonato T. (2010). Quantifying the effect of brush layering on slope stability. Ecological Engineering, 36(3), 258-264. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2009.03.019