Our environment is changing at unprecedented rates because of climate change and direct human activities, posing serious threats to agricultural and other land systems, as well as to people (e.g. floods, droughts, landslides, water and food insecurity). The RITA research group at the University of Milan (Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) is a multidisciplinary team combining novel agro-forestry monitoring techniques and hydrological modelling to study the water dynamics in soil-vegetation-atmosphere systems towards a more sustainable water resources management approach in urban, agricultural and mountainous settings.

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Quanto può variare la risposta idrologica di un bacino percorso da incendio? Un esercizio fra misure di campo, dati satellitari e teoria idrologica

Un esercizio modellistico su un bacino di 3 kmq in un'area protetta del Nord Italia, il Parco del Campo dei Fiori, colpito severamente da un incendio nell'autunno 2017, può fornirci qualche indicazione per la progettazione e per la gestione del territorio.

#lastatalenews #lastatalericerca #forest #mountain #hydrology #runoff #wildfire

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New paper on environmental processes and public health!

Can we support infectious disease control through process-based modelling of the (water)environment?

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New project on covid and water launched!

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